Laser-induced Cherenkov radiation in a warm two-fluid model
Published in 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 2021
Abstract. As an application of the general, warm two-fluid description, we consider a laser exciting a perpendicularly magnetised ion-electron plasma. In this setup, the laser can couple to the plasma’s M mode to emit Cherenkov radiation. We show that this emission is restricted to a forward cone, whose angle \(\theta\) is limited by the electron thermal velocity \(v_e\) as \(\theta = \arccos v_e/c\), where \(c\) denotes the light speed.
Recommended citation: De Jonghe, J. and Keppens, R. (2021). "Laser-induced Cherenkov radiation in a warm two-fluid model" in 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. P5.4009.