The Legolas code: features and applications


Seminar at the Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom.

Abstract. The open-source Legolas code is a linear MHD code that aims to quantify all the natural oscillations and instabilities of a user-defined force-balanced state, for Cartesian or cylindrical geometries. In order to paint a realistic picture, the code features a modular implementation of most MHD terms, from flow and external gravity to the non-ideal effects of resistivity, thermal conduction, radiative cooling, viscosity, Hall, and electron pressure and inertia. In this seminar, I will present what the code does and highlight a selection of its features, including the parallel multirun framework and the new 2D and 3D visualisation options, as well as present some instances of how the code was applied in topical research, and how you might integrate it in your own research.